Where to get Best Trout Fish in Manali

Trout Fish Manali

All along national highway 21 the river Beas will accompany you as you drive down what will also accompany you is these little Dhabas all along the way and the one ingredient that they all have in common this is something that they all serve is FRESH AND BEST TROUT FISH.

Besides the trout – you get lots of other stuff to eat for example the Bella river banks offers Indian, Chinese, tandoori, Italian, continental. What makes these places really special is the real estate location, Location, Location right by the
river you can hear the sounds it’s very relaxing and you can have a bite and then you can have a little nap. Now you can wash your hand to the river sort of your finish eating like that.

There are times when even we with all this food in front of us get distracted by the surroundings and it’s very hard not to. I mean look at this and this table which is the furthest out you can get at this restaurant you can actually sit with your feet in the water look you can dip your feet the only problem is the water’s icy coats after about three seconds you have to pull it out.

Trout Lounge

There are two distinct advantages of freezing cold water the first one of course is that the trout is fresh and it really is and the second one you can chill your water as you sit down and you
can have a really cold drink of water along with your food. If you’re vegetarian you stood up enough options here.


I have been to almost all the restaurants in Manali, and have tested at least trout fish of each an every restaurant but the main conclusion have tested is the way of making it. There are a variety of ways to cook it and present in from of customers. Few of the Restaurants serving best trout fishes in Manali are..





Now further up towards Manali you’re back there towards Kullu you’ll get all the continental, international food. Here You can have your pick of all the Indian food. You can order two kinds of fish one is the fried trout, deep-fried in oil with a generous sprinkling of masala all over it, and the other one is this the grilled trout as they call it it’s cooked in a sort of oven again with the same masala is pretty much.

What if you’re gonna choose between the fried and the grilled trout, We would suggest you go over the grade one it’s a lot drier lot former a lot more subtle and a lot tastier the pride one loses some of its character with all that oil floating

Best Trout of Manali

Fresh trout is a very delicate almost dry meat. It goes really well when you cook it with spice. If you don’t stop in Manali and eat the trout fish by the river you’re going to be missing out a real experience We can tell you that you might get lots of trout to eat in Manali but trout is really not off Manali.

So here’s your main question where was trout introduced into India from?

We’ll give you a small hint, it first came into Kashmir and then everywhere else. I’ll give you another it didn’t come on its own it was brought.

Fishing in Manali


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